*Name (Coordinator) *Lead Teacher for the initiative (if not the coordinator) *Contact Details *Total number of students currently in JCSP *The year group(s) and number of students that you implemented the initiative with: First Years (Male/Female) Second Years (Male/Female) Third Years (Male/Female) *Please outline your reasons for carrying out this initiative. Minimum four points required (e.g. harnessing the interests of priority students, igniting interest in a subject area). 1. 2. 3. 4. *Please outline how you organised/implemented this initiative. Minimum four points required. 1. 2. 3. 4. *Expenditure - Please provide a detailed breakdown of expenditure as to item bought and amount spent. *Were all monies spent on the initiative (Answer Yes/No) If you answered no, please contact jcspresources@oide.ie - Yes/No *Please list suppliers/facilitators used and their contact information. *If your school is a DEIS school, please answer the following: Please indicate the DEIS area(s) where the initiative had the greatest impact using a scale of 1 - 3 where 3 indicates the area where the initiative had the greatest impact, aligning with targets in your school’s DEIS plan. Outline how the impact was measured. Literacy Numeracy Attainment Supporting Educational Transitions Attendance Retention Partnership with Parents Partnership with Others *If your school is a non-DEIS school, please answer the following: Please indicate how the initiative impacted on your school’s SSE target(s). Outline how the impact was measured. *How did the initiative impact on Learner Outcomes (e.g. improved attitudes, knowledge, attitudes, skills etc.) *How did the initiative impact on Learning Experiences (e.g. improved engagement, motivation, behaviour, attendance etc.) *How did the initiative impact on Teachers’ Practice (e.g. DEAR, paired maths, cross – curricular etc.) *Sample Evidence: Please indicate the type(s) of evidence you gathered at the beginning and end of this initiative (such as JCSP statements awarded, Class assessments, Student feedback (quotes), Student questionnaires / focus groups, Photographs / videos, Teacher feedback (quotes) /practice, Attendance / Behaviour Records, Other (Please elaborate) *Do you consider the initiative was: Very Successful /Successful /Not Successful *Please upload one piece of evidence to support your answer *What was the most valuable outcome of this initiative from your perspective? (We welcome student/ teacher quotes etc.)